LGBTQAI+ Coaching

We provide a safe and supportive space for all individuals within the LGBTQIA+ community. We understand the unique challenges and experiences LGBTQIA+ individuals face in exploring and embracing their identity.
Coming out of the closet can be one of the most transformative yet challenging steps in a person’s life. Coaching by Lux is ready to guide you through this process. Together, we will explore the different aspects of your identity, and find the path that best suits you.
The first step in this process is often to explore the question, “Who am I really?” Together we will explore the depths of your identity, help you understand your feelings, desires and needs, and support you in defining who you really are.
Once aware of your identity, we will work on developing strategies to deal with it in different aspects of your life. Whether dealing with family, friends, work or romantic relationships, I will provide you with the tools and support you need to be confident and authentic.
Unfortunately, negative reactions and setbacks from others can be challenging during this process. Together we will explore ways to overcome these obstacles and strengthen your resilience so that you can thrive despite the negativity of others.